Live Launch Monday 1/6/25

I launched this website in March 2024 as an extension of my personal preparation for trading NQ futures. Basically, I would lay out my preparation and thoughts on the next session. My information was good, I thought, but there is abundance of information produced for free and not many people were interested in paying for my information. But as I prepared for each day and produced content, I started with the idea of automating my interpretation of Market Profile theory. I was approached by Striker Securities about possibly leasing out autotrade signals to retail traders. Apparently, the systems they execute for are available at most commodity brokers. I liked the idea and have been working on an automated system for months. Finally, it is almost time for live launch. Monday January 6, 2025. Price Distribution Z - MNQ will start of with a suggested balance of 5000 and trade 1 micro Nasdaq Emini contract at a time. Risk is ~ $150 per trade and system will flatten all positions if down $270 for the day. Backtesting was very good. I am excited to see what it does live.